Hello fellow Raiders!

Below all the screenshots you will find the change log from end of beta. Its things that the community has reported and wanted, we have listened and fixed and added a bunch of stuff! You will find the change log at the bottom of the announcement.

It's the sixth and final day of our map highlight! We have really enjoyed sharing this with you and we can’t wait to let you people play it and hear your opinions on it.

Without any further ado, this is "Operation Rhinegold"!

Spanning several missions, the RAID Gang get an emergency message to save a resistance spy and have to act fast to save him.
Their actions lead to the unravelling of an undercover plot by the Nazi war machine which the RAID Gang must now unwind. We hope you will enjoy it :)

So.. we are launching tomorrow and it with a mixture feelings that we are writing this, right now we are crunching hard.
We are tired but at the same time really happy and looking forward to tomorrow so much!
As a game developer you give away a lot of your free time, you lock yourself in, work day and night and rarely get to see the sunlight but it’s ALL worth it once you get to show your game to the players.
That is the reward as a game developer.

Also tomorrow is the last day of the Pre-Order bonus so if you are interested in receiving the exclusive army crate with lots of goodies and the Pre-Order discount you have one day left :)


  • Rebalanced many aspects of player weapons, weapon upgrades and Proficiencies to create a more skill based gameplay.
  • Balanced the War cries so they should feel equally powerful.
  • Recon warcry has been reworked. It now hits every shot as long as an enemy is “locked” making it more powerful and balanced with other war cries.
  • Sniper rifle rounds now penetrate enemies, potentially hitting additional enemies behind them to create a bigger incitament to use sniper rifles
  • Single bolt weapons now don't have “hipshot” weapon challenges, instead it has been changed to “Kill enemies on X distance” to promote class plays.
  • Reduced the targets for pistol weapon upgrade challenges, making them easier to complete
  • The M1 Carbine now has additional weapon upgrades to be able to keep up with the other weapons on higher levels.
  • Grenades have had a rebalance to make them more powerful when used the correct way to promote team play.
  • Rebalanced many aspects of enemies and enemy spawning at different difficulty levels,
    including special enemies like the Flammenwerfer
  • Flammenwerfer health and damage now scales according to difficulty level
  • Snipers are now more dangerous, especially at higher difficulty levels, making teamplay and different classes more valuable than before.
  • Enemy AI now makes better use of range and cover, this gives them more tactical improvements depending on the unit.
  • Revised collision on enemy helmets, making ‘clean’ headshots easier
  • Slightly increased the chance for less dangerous enemies to drop ammo when killed
  • Slightly reduced the chance for more dangerous enemies to drop ammo when killed
  • Adjusted experience rewards for Raids and Operations
  • Revised the main menus
  • Player can now reduce mouse sensitivity via the Options menu even more
  • Added several new notifications to explain why the player cannot perform certain actions in various situations

  • Added Windowed Fullscreen ( Borderless window ) mode to Video Options
  • Separated Camera Acceleration Effects and Head Bobbing in Video Options
  • Improved textures on several player weapons
  • Added several new enemy animations
  • Fixed many visual glitches and errors throughout the entire game
  • Improved lighting and environmental effects in many levels

  • Many fixes, tweaks and improvements to sound effects and VO throughout the entire game
  • Grenade “tinnitus” sound has been removed and tweaked to be more “friendly” to the ears

  • Fixed several crashes
  • Squashed many, many bugs - literally hundreds of them
  • Multiple graphical tweaks and upgrades across all missions
  • All levels from the beta have had a optimization pass and should perform much better
  • Spawn intervals have been revisited across the board for a smoother gameplay experience
  • Collision passes have been done on all BETA levels to reduce the players from getting stuck
  • Enemies spread out and use covers in a more efficient way, making them less “zergy”

And off course a whole lot of other stuff, that are not on this list, that you will see when the game goes live!
