Hey Raiders!
Welcome to the RAID: World War II weekly newsletter!
We are busy working away some cool things for you all so please bear with us. Meanwhile, here are the highlights for this week:

This week you get the TT33 pistol and the DP Degtyaryov! We can’t wait to hear your feedback and watch you all pew pew pew some Nazis!

Animation Variations
We mentioned that we were looking into giving the weapon mods their own unique animation grips, and this week its going into the game!

XP Reward Updates
We have been looking into the XP rewards for the higher crate tier rewards, the difficulties, and XP per mission. So, expect some updates to that!

Camp Unlocks
We saw that some players wanted to change their camp upgrades. This week we will implement all camp upgrades into the camp store so that you can change your camp upgrades the way you like.

We review the bugs on a regular basis so naturally you will see some bug fixes. One particular bug we are fixing this week is the one where the church appears randomly in levels.

Friday Stream
This week we have a special competition planned for our Stream. Join us on Friday to hear more!