RAID is live!


Time has come, we are releasing RAID: World War II. I always find this time of the development cycle exciting!

Exciting… but also stressful, and scary and nerve-wracking. You are happy, you are stressed, you are emotional.

All this work, all the sleepless nights, all the long hours, not seeing our families, our kids, our loved ones. Because we believe in and are passionate about this game. We all do our absolute best to make it the best it can be. The cycle is full of ups and downs, lefts and rights.

In the end, what matters is that you guys enjoy it! And that is why we put so much emphasis on community communication, listening to what you guys want, and trying to work with you.

There were lots of comments when the BETA launched about what we could or could not do in 3 weeks. But believe me, with you the community and this development team we can do anything. I think we proved that with multiple patches, fixes, more content, more additions all from the feedback you gave. Simply put, we do this because we love it.

Also, you may communicate with me the most (or Arash and Renic), but know that there is a creative and passionate team behind us. I’m not making this game, the Lion game Lion team is and I’m just the messenger. So, I would like to officially express my gratitude for every single one of them here.

Our road to releasing RAID has been long, filled with obstacles, emergencies, sadness, happiness, stress, anger, exhaustion to name a few. But we stick together as a team, and that is what matters.

So, we are now live! You can play RAID: World War II! We really hope you enjoy it.

So, from the whole LGL team, a big thank you!