Hey Raiders!

Hope you all enjoy this weeks patch. We as always look forward to your feedback and seeing you enjoy the new content!

Here is the changelist of this weeks update 8 patch!

  • Weapons

  • Tokarev TT-33:
    Unlocks at level 5 for all classes

  • Degtyaryov DP-28:
    Unlocks at level 13 for the Demolitions class and at level 15 for the Assault class

    XP tweaks

  • loot xp rewards increased: loot crates should now reward players with more XP across the board, with higher-tier crates now giving up to 50% more XP than before (on average)

  • Mission xp rewards tweaked: base XP rewards for finishing missions have been revised, with Odin's Fall, Gold Rush, The Amber Train, Wiretap, Trainwreck and Strongpoint now awarding 2500 XP (instead of 2000), while Bunker Busters and Extraction now award players with 1250 XP (instead of 1000)

  • Difficulty xp rewards tweaked: completing a mission on Hard difficulty now awards a 400% XP bonus (instead of 300%), while completing it on Very Hard awards a 900% bonus (instead of 800%)

    Gold store

  • Added the functionality to the Gold Store which allows players to switch between Camp Upgrades


  • Restarting the level while failing the mission, caused several issues (Church loading in level, god-mode)

  • Fixed an issue where a stringID for the controller appears when entering the kubelwagen with the spy inside it

  • Fixed a crash that would happen when selecting quit to main menu while being on an AA gun

  • Fixed an issue on Bunker Busters where the Greed chest was seen floating in mid air

  • Fixed an issue on Last Orders where a spotter was standing in mid air

  • Fixed an issue on Last Orders where in stealth the game would go loud if people dropped in while the others were in the foxholes

  • Fixed an issue on Wiretap where a greed item could not be interacted with


  • Fixed an issue on the grenades which did not have a visual indication when charging it

  • Fixed an issue where the marching mace's attack was shown as a knife attack animation in third player perspective

  • Update the animations so that all primary weapons have the correct grip in relation to the weapon upgrade the player has


  • Fixed some issues with decals and Z-fighting on Amber Train, Bunker Busters and Trainwreck


  • Fixed several cases where text was not displayed correctly

  • Fixed the dogtag notification screen to display the text properly

  • Added the name WG (winner of the grenade art competition) to the wooden boards in the camp