Work is still going strong on the next update with a documented changelog over 100 lines long! Please note the team for update 21 is very small so it will take more time to finalise the update, Patience is key.
The upcoming update will be a beta branch to get proper testing in and on the full release of update 21 the version before it will be preserved as its own beta branch if you ever want to go back.
In the mean time we have prepared a list of major changes coming:
New Outlaw Raid
An off the books raid where you block a train passing through an exposed section of underground rail, the train of course is carrying all kinds of valuables.Progress on the level is very close to completion, more gameplay testing is needed and feedback from the beta will go towards updates to the new outlaw raid.

New Throwable Type
New shipment arrived and it includes a new throwable weapon, It will be very handy for keeping the enemy off those valves.
Engine Changes
- A great deal of effort has gone into pushing Diesel engine out of the early 2000s (by a year or two) with changes to rendering, this should include a big performance increase for most GPUs.
- With these engine changes includes new bundle compression.
- Improvements to load times.
- Less restrictive mod_overrides will be included, some file types were not included such as unit files for example.
- Unfortunately most lua based mods will not work and may need updating.
[h4]Major Bugfixes[/h4]
- The issues with detection and impossible alerts in stealth have been fixed.
- Flamers armor now spawns correctly so theyre now a real challenge again.
- Crashlog script stacks are now set up to make reporting crashes easier.
- And many more...
- Enemy balance is the biggest struggle to manage in Raid due to varying player counts, class preferences and the many issues that need to be resolved with the Ai of the game, there are changes but do not expect them to be permanant as we plan on going through and cleaning up as best as we can in future updates.
- Some weapons have been balanced to be more enjoyable to use, Specifically weapons like the Sterling SMG.
- Pickups were changed so now grenades are no longer wasted and will instead decrement.
- Automatic pickup on smaller ammo/health drops will be enabled, This mechanic has been a fair point of critisism but we dont want to give up on it entirely.
- Large medical cases return a single down for the user.
- Recons warcry is less strict with your controls, health regen applies to all weapons with scaling and now includes a ricochet effect exclusive to sniper rifles to handle crowds of enemies better.
- Outlaw Raids are no longer limited to one, you can collect every outlaw raid and pick which you want to play when you want to play them.
- Cosmetic items are no longer purely loot drops, they can be bought for gold.
- Raids with excess objectives now reward bonus XP, for example saving both Nightwitches grants +25% bonus XP per escort, with this XP values have been lowered slightly on those maps but overall you will gain more XP for doing more than the minimum required objectives.
- And most importantly we put the greatest amount of effort into making the bell in Wiretap dingable.
If there's any suggestions, feedback or bugs you know of please do make a post on the discussions, every bit helps improve the quality of the future updates!
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